The NanoIsrael website, managed by BINA – Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, was launched following a decade of focused government effort to make nanoscience the next wave of successful research and industry in Israel.  We are proud to tell you about Israeli nanotechnology and most important, to encourage collaboration among and between academia researchers and commercial companies, both within Israel and throughout the world.

Bar Ilan Institute - Nano Center

Israel is recognized the world over as a leading source of knowledge and innovation in advanced research and technology.

Israel's tradition of scientific excellence is widely appreciated, and Israel's technological achievements are at the forefront of communications, electronics, computer software, networking, defense, security and life sciences industries.

  • More than 100 major technology firms maintain active R&D centers in Israel. Global business surveys consistently place Israel among the most attractive nations for advanced technology development.
  • Israel's workforce is among the highest educated in the world - fully 20 percent of Israel's working population hold academic degrees. For each 10,000 employees, 140 are scientists or technicians, and 135 are engineers. Comparative ratios in the US, Japan and European nations all run a distant second place.

Israel's small size and limited financial resources are serious challenges, but Israel's academic, business and government leaders recognize nanotech as a key platform for ensuring Israel's continued R&D. excellence for decades to come. Nanotechnology is a natural enabler for Israel. In fact, our small size is also our advantage -- it means sharper focus, more efficient use of funds, fewer commercial obstacles, rapid prototyping and testing, and higher quality standards.

Key players in Israel's nanotech development landscape include: Academic Institutions - Israel is home to six world-class research institutions with advanced programs in nanoscience and nanotechnologies. Nanotech Startups - Israel has the third largest concentration of startup companies in the world, preceded only by California's Silicon Valley and the Boston technology corridor. Established Firms - Israel recognizes the essential role of established industry in moving nano-enabled and nano-enabling technologies 'onstream'. Venture Capital Investors - Israel is ranked among the top nations benefiting from foreign venture capital, a result of our excellence in advanced research and high technology. Government Agencies - Government funding for generic Israeli R&D. is the highest in the world, relative to gross domestic product (GDP).

Israel established itself as a powerhouse both for basic and multidisciplinary scientific research.  With the creation of six nanotechnology centers in Academia -- each focused on specific disciplines and styles of research.

Israel's outstanding track record is just a hint of what nanotechnology brings. Israel and nano are a strategic fit.

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